Attention readers!

Have an idea for an ugly bunny you think I should draw? Let me know! Send your suggestion to and I'll do my best to make it happen.


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First PCB! Dodson Bunny!

What's a PCB, you ask? A pop culture bunny! I can't say how routinely I'll be doing them, but fret not, they shall abound!

My favorite pop culture icon of the now is Antoine Dodson. No matter how sucky I feel (and I've been feeling sucky lately), his eccentric interview and accompanying song always bring a smile to my face and a giggle up my nose.

So, I present to you readers, Dodson Bunny!

"She's lookin' for photos of you. She's drawin' you in OC tryin' to turn you into bunnies so y'all better hide yo facebook, hide yo myspace, and hide yo flickr too 'cause SHE'S TURNIN' ERRBODY INTO BUNNIES OUT HERE."

More bunnies to come!


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Attack of the Hot Glue Bunny!

So the other day I was thinking of a new bunny to draw. I wanted a monster bunny. Initially I was thinking of Bunnyzilla, but that sounds kind of cheesy, even for me.

My occupation (costume design) requires that I use a hot glue gun and lots (read: LOTS) of hot glue. It gets everywhere. My table, my pants, my fingertips, the second layer of my skin.... erm, anyway, I though a hot-glue monster would be a fun thing to draw.


Keep an eye out for more bunnies to come soon!


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Header!

I made one! I think that qualifies as an update. ;]

I've got another ugly bunny in the works but I need to focus on other art I owe people for the evening. You shall have a new bunny tomorrow, though!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Uncle Bunny and I'm tired

I actually finished most of this bunny last night, but I was too tired to post it. And now I'm still too tired to post it. But you guys deserve bunnies so I'm forcing myself to post it.

Here's a big cheerful bunny. He's the uncle everyone wished they had, if they wished their uncle was a bunny.

Also, coloring plaid is fun. F'real, yo.

More bunnies to come! I'm no professional cartoonist, and I can't update this daily, but I'll try to get at least three bunnies per week in.



Friday, August 20, 2010

TGI Bunnies

TGIF indeed! This morning I woke up thinking about TGI Fridays, even though I've only been there once (it's expensive and not that amazing, really). So, for this fine Friday, I drew this TGI Ugly Bunny.

I think those sliders look mighty tasty. Be sure to leave a tip or he might send some guys he knows after your kneecaps. =]


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Post Number One


This is an art blog idea I want to try out. It's basically a bunch of bunnies, because bunnies are versatile like that.

I currently haven't invited anyone to view this blog because I want to make sure I can keep up with updates before I allow people to see it.

All the bunnies will be colored openCanvas sketches, like this Jess Bunny:

I'll keep posting bunnies until I feel that I've done a good job about it. Then I'll invite people to see this.

