Attention readers!

Have an idea for an ugly bunny you think I should draw? Let me know! Send your suggestion to and I'll do my best to make it happen.


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First PCB! Dodson Bunny!

What's a PCB, you ask? A pop culture bunny! I can't say how routinely I'll be doing them, but fret not, they shall abound!

My favorite pop culture icon of the now is Antoine Dodson. No matter how sucky I feel (and I've been feeling sucky lately), his eccentric interview and accompanying song always bring a smile to my face and a giggle up my nose.

So, I present to you readers, Dodson Bunny!

"She's lookin' for photos of you. She's drawin' you in OC tryin' to turn you into bunnies so y'all better hide yo facebook, hide yo myspace, and hide yo flickr too 'cause SHE'S TURNIN' ERRBODY INTO BUNNIES OUT HERE."

More bunnies to come!
