Attention readers!

Have an idea for an ugly bunny you think I should draw? Let me know! Send your suggestion to and I'll do my best to make it happen.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I'm blue-screened and my PC died, screened and my PC died...

Well, kinda. My semi-trusty Dell has been BSoD'd before, and it went away. But it's back with a vengance! This means that I'll probably take a while to do more bunny updates. Not because I can't draw them (we have another PC with a tablet), but because I owe other people traditional art that I can't scan! So now I have to back up my hard drive externally so I don't accidentally blow up all my files while I try to resolve this issue. And I'll likely have to borrow a friend's scanner or something to make sure I keep up with thing I owe people. And I'll have to boot other people off this family computer so I can use it for art and stuff... *sigh*

Despite the great inconvenience this has caused me, I still managed to crank out some relevant ugly bunny art for you all to laugh at.

Your regularly scheduled bunnies will return shortly. I must take my leave, for Alas! I have many an art that is all but completed. Fare thee well, noble bunny bloggers! God save My PC!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

More Bunnies!

Today we have two bunnies, both done on request!

First, I got a request for "either an office space bunny or a bunny to complain about TGIF bunny's flare." I decided to combine the two ideas. =]

Second, I made a new Twitter page for this blog! A certain Billiejai_TW was the first to follow me, so I gave them a surprise request! They asked for the white rabbit from Disney's original "Alice in Wonderland," and I happily obliged. Of course, I don't draw rabbits. Only bunnies. ;]

I've got quite a few bunny requests lined up, and I"ll be drawing them all soon. Stay tuned!


Announcement: Tumblr Bunnies!

Attention bunny fans!

If you have a Tumblr, I have good news! You can now follow this blog with your Tumblr account at!

It updates automatically via RSS feed, and you'll still have to click the link to visit this blog for the posts. But you'll be able to actively follow the bunny updates without using a Blogger account. Hooray!

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get on with stuff and things. There should be a new bunny up by day's end, so keep and eye out!


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thugly Bunny

Little known fact!

Ugly bunnies was actually a project I started at Comic-Con 2009. I continued it a bit in a sketchbook when I started college that following September. This thug bunny was one of the bunnies that I had drawn in my sketchbook. I'll show you guys some of my original bunnies once I can find the sketchbook!

Ain't nothin' but a B thing, baby.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Grand Opening! BASE jumping!


Today marks the day that I actually reveal the Ugly Bunnies blog to my friends! =D I've proven to myself that I can update at least once a week, if not twice, so I feel confident in showing this to people. Be sure to look at the previous posts I did while this was a blog in progress!

Today's update comes from an activity suggestion I received via my Twitter account. BASE jumping! I'd never heard of the activity before, so I Googled it (of course). BASE stands for buildings, antennae, spans (bridges) and earth (cliffs). Basically, a bunch of stuff that crazy-awesome parachute divers jump from.

Working with the perspective and lighting was fun with this one. And what ho! We have a background as well! Most of my ugly bunnies are mere portraits, but some need a scene to go with them. Like this one!

